The IBM Corporate Service Corp

The Corporate Service Corps was launched in 2008 to help provide IBMers with quality leadership development while delivering high quality problem solving for communities and organizations in emerging markets. Visit the Site!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

After the IBM Corporate Service Corp Assignment, My Life Continuously Changes

Sunday, May 5, 2013

"It is a life-changing event", many of the alumni will describe the experience as such. For me, it is indeed a life-changing event, and an experience that I will never get tired of sharing.

It has been more than a year since we were sent to the island of Makassar, and lived with 9 other IBMers from across the globe. So many things has happened, and I worry that my IBM CSC experience will soon fade away. I didn't get to blog every single day of the assignment, because I lived the experience and decided to enjoy it with the rest of the team, instead of confining myself in the room talking to Now, I have my bran cells to help me recall every wonderful, lovely things we experienced - and the hundreds of pictures that we took.

During our Karaoke Night with IBM Indonesia General Manager

The fun and excitement of being a part of this global program didn't stop after I landed back to Manila. I continuously grew, and continuously learn and participated as an alumna. It is always nice to give back to the program which transformed me.

Click Read More to read about my learnings and IBM CSC promotions that I am a part of.. 

Just last year, immediately after the assignment, I facilitated the Pre-Work of the IBM Corporate Service Corp Philippines 12 who was assigned in Cagayan de Oro.  I remember our very first call - I know everyone was listening to me and seeing me as an expert about the program - which made me feel more little, as I know across the globe, on different timezones - I have managers, consultants and experts on the line. It was a challenging experience for me - starting with my new role and preparing the team to this adventure. I need to make them prepared for the challenges and changes - while keeping the excitement and building a team. It was just unfortunate that I didn't get to meet them, as I was scheduled on a business trip on the same week that they arrived.

The postcards I received from IBM CSC Phils 12 
from Cagayan de Oro!

After their assignment, I received and read news about how well they did during their assignment - see this article in I am proud to say, somehow, I am part of that team. Thank you to the NGO partner who had been helpful and supportive during the transition.

And so their lives continue after the assignment, and my life too. Occasionally, I receive a message and notes from my team mates - and the usual likes from Facebook whenever I post pictures and messages. I do the same too, not to please anyone, but to let them know I am here, will always keep the connection and relationship, and that I am glad to know that they are doing okay.

What I like about our team is that we care about each other and everyone is part of the group, and part of our lives - that is despite distance, timezone and language differences. I love seeing updates from our Facebook Group and new email from anyone of them through Lotus Notes. Usually, it is to share a milestone, or anything about IBM Corporate Service Corp.

I wish this would continue until we get to reunite again. Suddenly, I realized how sad it is for people to build new relationships and forget about keeping the connections that they had with other people. I am glad that our team stays connected - especially in times of crisis or issues. I remember receiving a call from Vivek (India) the last time we had a calamity in the Philippines, and getting Facebook messages from other team mates just to check if I am safe.

How nice it is to have friends all over the world? The most essential realization I had is that IBM Corporate Service Corp made me more aware of world issues - and made me care more of its impact, not just because I have friends from this certain country, but because it would somehow affect me, and my country.

On a different note, it is funny to say that in my current job, I never really dreamt or asked to be promoted, but looks like I got promotions.

The poster was sent to IBMers in our business unit at the start of the application cycle, and poster is also posted in our IBM building, at the reception area.

Wow, I never really thought I would have a poster printed and displayed! (maybe not nationwide and in the biggest billboard in the national highway) - but it really means something to me - and I thought, it is not all promotions and fame. Just like the important lesson that we learned from Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility - and I became more responsible.

It is nice to actually have initiatives such as this for the 2013 application cycle. I remember when I applied in 2011, I never know much about the program, and there are not much communications about its benefits. And because the CSC Program acknowledges the alumni as the experts for this program, we were invited to be guests speakers during the online learning session.

 This communication/promotion is sent in IBM Mexico
Thank you Ba Pak Javier for sharing!

It was not the first time I was invited to talk in front of a crowd - I had to present in front of the clients, and media after our assignment, and present to my team after I came back.

Two weeks ago, Tom (from Tanzania Team) and I were seated to a huddle room as guest speakers to an online session to share our experiences as alumni. I didn't get the chance to check the profiles of the attendees, but he said most of them are managers. I feel little - especially if you were partnered with someone who has accomplished alot and is a good story teller.

Other parts of the announcement were grayed for
Data Privacy purposes

So I shared my stories, and learnings (and the other interesting things you will do during assignment) - I cannot remember if I have committed a number of grammar errors or used the incorrect words, but I hope the participants get to learn from my story. And I hope that prompted them to open the application form and take the first step in embracing this new journey.

 Here's part of the presentation

I remember a friend asked me if during the program we will be required to have speeches of sort. I said yes, as we will be introducing ourselves, presenting to the clients, and presenting to the IBM host country. It surprised me that there are still people who are afraid to talk in front of a crowd. I work with a very active team who can do impromptu speeches so I kind of forgot that there are some who still struggle to do a presentation. I feel them. It was not easy for me too when I first held a mic and stood on a stage - it was back in High School, I think. What tip I can give them? Just fake it. Fake the confidence and practice. If you believe in something that you are advocating, you will talk with passion and conviction. You would feel like an expert.

 I love this photo even if that is not my best angle
This was during the IBM CSC Indonesia Closing event

But what if you were asked to share your experiences in a recorded interview? Well, a big surprise in my life came last month when I received a note requesting for an interview as part of the IBM CSC promotion. It was scheduled the following day - so with not much preparation, the following day - I talked in front of the camera and shared a few learnings.

Last week, I was surprised to received a note from the Program Manager commending me for sharing my learnings, sincere sentiments and touching on the triple benefit. 


I couldn't muster the courage to click the video and watch myself. I sent the link to a friend who said it was great and could be lined to Ms. Universe interviews (it is nice to have friends at the office, really!). She shared it to our trainer who played it at the start of our weekly Process Cascade.

It was like a film showing and I couldn't look or listen to the video. I am afraid that I have committed grammatical errors - but then again, why would I worry about these things? What's more important are the messages I am trying to share.

English is not my first language, so same with the other people across the globe, we can commit a mistake and that is part of the learning process. I wish people would be less critical about the English language. During our assignment, I remember how locals talk more when you encourage them to talk and commend their language skills. My partner Cheryl (USA) is amazing in encouraging them. I have witnessed how one local speaks with so much confidence as if I am listening to a child speak the word mama for the first time.  Words are really powerful tools and must be used to inspire and encourage.

So there it was done. A good 3-minute video. I thought it would be like a video featuring different IBM CSC alumni - but I am surprised to see an individual video. Thank you to the ASEAN Team for this rare opportunity!

So what are the important things I have talked about?

  • How IBM Corporate Service Corp brings together IBMers of different skills, religion, and culture to share their expertise and help communities - while molding them as future leaders - and showing how essential IBM is to the world. 
  • How smile bridges the gap on differences in religion, skills and culture - and that builds connection. This experience made me smile more often. Really. 
  • How I wish the locals we have met could be part of IBM too, as they embody the IBM values - they are innovative and forward-thinkers - and we also learned alot from them.
  • And that one need not be a celebrity, a politician or an executive to make a difference.. small things count.. you just have to be an IBMer to make a difference (this one is my favorite! - and that was the ending tagline of the video too!)

I wish to download the video and upload it here too - I would have to note that in my to-do list.

My friends kept on teasing me that I always come up with quotes. I actually want to make a list of the things I have learned and realized after the assignment. We could be philosophers too and come up with profound quotes. Here's the last one -

People should meet more people, and travel more to realize how small they are - Ruth dela Cruz

Whew! This is a long post, but as always, I love sharing and writing about my IBM CSC experience. My journey continues. It was funny revisiting my old features, interviews and blogs - thinking that my stories are a bit shallow - but that's the way it is. It is my journey, and I transform and I accomplish more things - and along the way I met greater people - which makes me feel smaller - such a humbling experience.

Thank you for visiting my site, and please come back for more stories.

An IBM Corporate Service Corp alumna,