The IBM Corporate Service Corp

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The IBM Indonesia Team 3

A personal blog about my in-country assignment to Makassar, Indonesia for IBM Corporate Service Corp

The IBM Indonesia Team 3

My personal blog about IBMCSC

The IBM Indonesia Team 3

My personal blog about IBMCSC

The IBM Indonesia Team 3

My personal blog about IBMCSC

The IBM Indonesia Team 3

My personal blog about IBMCSC

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Arriving in Jakarta, Meeting the IBM CSC Team and Staying in Hotel Kempinski

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I am home (in Manila) for a week now, but I still think and remember the great memories and experiences I had in Indonesia with my team - and all other people I met in Jakarta and in the island of Makassar. Most of the time, I find myself checking our Facebook Group for updates - posts, comments, likes, any activity from any of the team member. I miss them so much - and it is really hard to go back to my life. "Reverse Homesick" is what the CSC alumna calls it - and I am feeling it now.

People think that we had a holiday - but it is all hard work, especially for me, who had never done such type of a job. Our team had fun, that's the truth - but we just made sure to make the most of the experience - and that means sleepless nights, sleepless weekends and sleeping in the road.

I didn't find time to blog real time/timely during assignment (although I have some blogs here), but I just want to share my experience - so here I am, opening blogger and writing this post.

Let's start with my departure - or should I say, arrival in Jakarta. It was my first time to travel alone - in another country. The only thing that was keeping me secured is the fact that I was heading to another Asian country - if things get worse, I can always book a flight back to Manila. But of course, ABV and IBM took care of everything - and that made me more secured.

My flight was at 7:00 in the morning, and the night before, I was packing and re-packing - ensuring my luggage weight did not go over the allowance. I told myself that this time around, I would travel light and just bring the essentials (I would talk about my luggage more on the next post). I registered a new blog (check it here) for the IBM CSC assignment and published two entries on it, but decided to publish everything here - since this blog  feeds through the CSC site.

The Philippine Airlines (PAL) brought me to Singapore then to Jakarta. On our way to Singapore, I was seated next to a guy from USA and his girlfriend (Chinese) - they are on their way to Singapore for vacation. How nice it is to travel with your loved one? What is sweeter, the guy was reading a book about Chinese culture.
The aircraft that safely brought me to my assignment

To know how I met my team in Hotel Kempinski, click Read More...

Monday, April 9, 2012

IBM CSC Team Indonesia 3: The People from Different Countries Who Changed and Inspired Me - You Guys Are Missed!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog written/started on April 7th - Saturday

I am sitting here in seat 06B of Philippine Airlines aircraft bound from Singapore to Manila. It's all over now. It is funny that I almost missed my flight - probably it just showed that I am not yet ready to go home.

It seems like only yesterday when I boarded the flight to Jakarta, and it was my first time to travel alone. Now, I am heading back home - with swollen eyes, dry lips and sad face. I cried alot, and it seems like I was the only one who cried. I admire how the rest of the team can control their feelings. "Don't break the seal.." - is something that I learned from Jessica (USA) - but it seems that she was the first to break hers yesterday.

I would be the first to arrive back in my home country, but most of them will be on vacation - so the CSC memories might soon be overshadowed by new memories, new pictures, and new people. Before, I dread the day that I would be heading for assignment - because I didn't know if I would like the people, if I would do good in my assignment, and if there are new things to discover because Indonesia is alot like Philippines. But after one month of being on assignment, I realized it was the people who made the difference.

To know more about the people who changed my life, click Read More..